Emeryville Occupational Medical Center (EOMC) offers onsite services. Onsite care decreases medically related absenteeism and presenteeism.
We offer onsite medical care services including:
- general medical
- occupational medicine
- pharmacy benefit management
- wellness
- disease management
EOMC onsite care uses tools of consumer driven healthcare to actualize the promise of a better healthcare delivery system, reward patients for healthy behaviors and gather earlier and more frequent data in order to control both the direct and indirect costs of medical care.
Onsite Care Gives Employers
- Value Added Healthcare: healthcare that increases productivity and lowers absenteeism
- Information: a way to make healthcare spending more understandable and more controllable through enhanced data analysis and better plan design
- Customized: modularized solutions that are tailored to fit your needs
Onsite Care Gives Employees
- Convenience: available from your home or office, your doctor is always there when you need them
- Efficiency: no more waiting, in some cases you won’t even have to leave your desk
- Affordability: reduced co-pays and fewer ER visits means more money in your pocket
- Accessibility: contact your provider with everyday communication tools
- Security: interactions are conducted over our secure servers